Voiceboard Modem DSP Software

MediaPro V.90 is a MediaPro DSP resource software modules. MediaPro DSP software is downloaded into the memory of MediaPro DSP hardware to provide the highest performance multi-port embedded modems on the market today.

With V.90 connect speeds of up to 56 Kbps, V.42bis and MNP5 data compression, effective modem throughput can reach 128 Kbps in synchronous and asynchronous applications.

Each DSP modem is configured as a resource, available via the H.110 or SCSA backplane switched TDM bus, to any other resource on a system wide basis. DSP modem resources may be “pooled”, providing efficient implementation for applications requiring large numbers of modem resources. By using resource pooling, the number of modems can be less than the number of input DS0 channels

A complete set of modem fallback speeds is included:

Click here to download of Product Spec Sheet

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